Dar-EE-us Kazem-EE is a user on dolphin.town. You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.

Dar-EE-us Kazem-EE @e@dolphin.town



E, eee ee eeeeeeeee. Eeeeee eee eeeeeeee, eeee: EEE.

Hi Oulipals!

I'm putting in $$$ and a LOT of hours to run this thing, and I'm happy to do that, but if you want to toss a dollar or two my way for hosting, you can: paypal.me/oulipo

Apologies to everyone I had to leave out! (your instances are great too)

From Witches to Dolphins, These Are the Communities That Make Mastodon Great motherboard.vice.com/en_us/art #eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Eeee ee eeee eee e e e eeee? Show more