Dar-EE-us Kazem-EE is a user on dolphin.town. You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.

Dar-EE-us Kazem-EE @e@dolphin.town

[EEEEEE] Eee e eeeee EEeeEee, Eee ee. E, e, Eee!

Paging @e 🐬😁

RT @rdscrn@twitter.com

I am taking this joke then

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/rdscrn/status/1138

e3 Show more

@e uhm wowww, okay. is that how you talk to all visiting diplomats? with such profanity? i found my way to this town of dolphins in good faith, ignoring many a warning, hoping to build a concord and this is how you act? in all my days as a sΜΆpΜΆyΜΆ diplomat, this is a first.
[angrily] good day to you! good day!

"eeee, eeeee EEE eeeee. Eee eeeee e." - @ingrid

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| e e e | = e *(e*e - e*e) * 3 = 0
| e e e |

βˆƒ E (|E| = 0)